Through our connections with our local community, our school has been able to source external sponsorship opportunities and grants to provide amazing opportunities for our school.
Some of these partnerships involve:
- Tongala Nestle = Environmental Garden development
- Woolworths Junior Landcare = 3 bay compost system
- Tongala Lions and Lady Lions Club = School Wide Positive
- Behaviours/Graduation Awards
- Tongala and District Community Bank – Bendigo Bank = Whole School Reading
- Development/Kindness Awards/Breakfast Club/Graduation Awards
- Echuca Workers Club = Sports uniforms
- Kyabram Club = Sports uniforms
- Moama RSL = Purchase of new iPads
- Tongala CWA = Graduation Awards
- Tongala Chemist = Graduation Awards
- Tongala Op Shop = Graduation Awards
- Tongala IGA = Graduation Awards
- Echuca Apex = Graduation Awards
- Tongala RSL = Graduation Awards
- The Apprenticeship Factory = Graduation Awards
- Moama Bowling Club = Bus to Melbourne for Lawn Bowls state final
- Shire of Campaspe = Aboriginal Art work
Along with these sponsors, we also have 16 local businesses who have made a 4 year commitment to sponsor the Tongala Community Fitness Hub, ensuring the facility is well maintained for many years to come.
We value the contribution of our local sponsors to the development of our school.